My Spelman Sisters,
I am thrilled to be advancing to the final round for consideration as the Spelman College Alumna Trustee. To the nearly 19% of the Spelman population that voted, thank you for actively engaging in this important process. To those who casted their vote for me, I sincerely thank you for your support. Your beautiful notes and posts on social media remain encouraging.
As I move to the next step, I ask for your prayers, not just for me, but also for the other finalists, Eloise Alexis C'86 and Loren Robinson C'03. Please keep us lifted in prayer along with others who have the ultimate responsibility of making the decision of which woman will serve in this role.
There is no better institution in the world for educating Black women than Spelman College. We are all blessed to be a part of her incredible legacy, and I will always remain committed to serving her well. Thank you for providing me the possibility of serving our alma mater in this way.
Peace and sisterly love always,
Adrienne Lance Lucas